Know that your donation will be used with purpose and intention. Below are some donation ideas, but we welcome custom amounts -- whatever you are comfortable with. It will make a true difference at LifeLine and in the community.
$1,000 pays for . . .
A Day at LifeLine
Fund LifeLine to keep us fully operating, staffed, and the lights on at both our community centers and our office.
$275 pays for . . .
A Cultural Field Trip
Fund an enriching visit and experience to a museum, a park, a special event, and more. Pays for staff, transport, food,...
$100 pays for . . .
Christmas Store Gifts
Fund toys for our annual Christmas Dignity Store where families buy gifts for their kids at 80% off of the retail price.
$50 pays for . . .
Healthy Eating Demo
Fund fresh ingredients in healthy cooking demos and nutritious snacks for our afterschool & summer programs.