Wednesday, shortly before going home, I received a call from Sandi who said that she had an extra turkey.

Many you of you know that we don't focus on hand-outs--but I have also learned that God has a much bigger picture of things, and so I try to listen for His guidance.
After talking to Sandi I decided to call Ernie. Ernie had just gotten a phone call from a family requesting rental assistance.
It turned out they did not have anything for Thanksgiving. I was able to connect with the family. Her husband was in a major accident with some brain damage. She was the primary care-giver and had to quit her job--life had turned upside down.
I know a turkey is not much, but it was the beginning of a relationship; it was a time of prayer and a time of a listening ear that made all the difference.
So, thank you to all the people who listen when God prompts them to do something.
Amazing things happen!