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The Future of Winton

Community partnerships brought some excitement to Winton on Wednesday, August 8th. Staff and volunteers at the Winton Community center made it possible for a Block Party to happen in the heart of town. Dozens of people came out to enjoy food, games, entertainment, and they also received information about ways that they can get involved with the amazing outreach work happening in Merced County.

Local youth volunteers organized and hosted games for kids, including a much-needed stash of water balloons for tossing. Families got to draw and write about their dreams for the community, and receive prayer from our community partners.

The Winton Chamber of Commerce, Merced County Human Services Agency and the local chapter of All Dads Matter all came out to talk to families about ways to be involved in the community. Local teens and the duo Singing for Christ performed covers of their favorite songs to offer a musical backdrop to this exciting event. Generations Car Club brought out some older cars for people to view. Everyone who came out had a great time, and expressed hopes for similar events to happen in the future.

The event happened because of the hard work and generous spirits of everyone involved. For their contributions, we would like to extend a special thank you to the local Winton Businesses and Community Hall, Winton CLEO, Winton Historical Society, Winton Chamber of Commerce, Winton LifeLine Community Center, Generations Car Club, Panther Track, Merced County Human Service Agency, All Dads Matter, WorkNet, Cal Fire, and Merced County Sheriff.

We would like to thank Gateway Community Church for donating the kids' game equipment, and Corrina Snook and Jamie Swenson for documenting the event with their pictures.

We would also like to thank everyone who provided food and refreshments, including the kitchen crew of Shawn, Cynthia, Ben, Nick, Rob. Additionally we would like to thank Generations Car Club, Richwood Meats, LV Market, Iglesia Christiana El Rio De Dios, and VFW, as well as musical guests Ernest, Elijah, and Matt with their youth band, and Singing for Christ’s Mike and Kim.

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