Last week LifeLine CDC had the opportunity to be at the UC Merced Community Fair**.
We had pictures with the word "community' printed on them and asked the students to draw what community meant to them. It was a wonderful experience to see what people came up with... showing the interconnectedness of people, the balance of creation, the interaction with each other, the closeness of city life..... so many amazing ideas.
It sure made me realize once again that we are all longing for community. It reminded me that we all have something to give to each other. It made me dream of a future where community and neighborhoods are treasured again and where people exchange their gifts, skills and passions with each other.
Until then, we continue to say "everyone no matter how rich has a need and everyone no matter how poor has a gift and that is why we build and celebrate community."
** This is a time where non-profits can share their information with the students and let them know how they can get involved.