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Would Winton LifeLine Community Center be missed?

Would Winton LifeLine Community Center be missed?

Many activities are flowing out of the Winton LifeLine Community Center and if this service is something YOU want, then YOU need to help! During the last year over 500 families received emergency food, all graffiti abatement was handled through the center. Senior citizens have received help with moving, fixing, and cleaning up back yards, Kid's Time kept the children safe, people have come to write resumes and look for jobs or do research on the computer.

We helped connect people with resources and assistance they needed. Over $30,000 came back into the community through the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) Program, Workers through the Human Service Agency learn new skills and young men were being mentored, A community garden is planted and ready to bring fresh fruits and vegetables.

Goods were being exchanged (e.g. clothing and furniture) and people are always welcome to come and visit and just have a conversation. The building is used for the USDA distribution and NA meetings as well as other community oriented groups.

So my question is: would you miss it if is disappeared?

We know these are difficult economic times, but that seems like one more reason to have a community focused place where people not only receive services but give services. Where people can use the gifts they have to help someone else. Where people can not just receive a hand-out but a hand-up. Where we know that "Everyone no matter how rich has a need and everyone no matter how poor has a gift."

Over the last few years the Community Center had a slogan "Putting Winton on the map for something good." and the team still is committed to it... but we can't do it alone! Will you join us! The cost to run the Center with 2 part time staff is $25,000. But we not only need money, we need volunteers. Will you use your gifts and passions and dreams to keep the Center open so that it can continue in the work of making Winton the best place to live for everyone?

For more information please contact Monika Grasley at 209-201-2905. LifeLine Community Center is located at 7081 Winton Way near Walnut.

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